Explore by Subject

Explore the Forum’s research on improved or alternative models of global governance based on the issues that already bind humanity together.

A Second United Nations Charter: Modernizing the UN for a New Generation

In the past 12 months, a diverse and experienced cadre of individuals have taken it upon themselves to explore what Charter reform might entail and, in particular, what a new Charter could actually look like.

What we have produced is at a minimum an invitation to a much-needed conversation about what a reformed Charter could contain to empower the UN to better confront the myriad challenges of the 21 st century.



Revised Statute of the International Court of Justice

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Global Governance and international cooperation

Managing Global Catastrophic Risks in the 21st Century

Twenty-eight contributors offer thoughtful proposals for reforming existing international institutions and creating new ones to build a more peaceful, prosperous and just world, covering themes such as the management of weapons of mass destruction, collective security arrangements, justice and equity in economics, human rights, migration and refugees, climate mitigation, and food security, all bearing on the health of both people and planet.

Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century

Is there any hope for those who despair at the state of the world and the powerlessness of governments to find a way forward? Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century provides ambitious but reasonable proposals to give our globalized world the institutions of international governance necessary to address effectively the catastrophic risks facing humanity that are beyond national control.

The Gender Equality and Governance Index 2024/25

The 2024/25 report highlights the progress made by women in 158 countries in the areas of economic and political empowerment, entrepreneurship, education, working conditions, and violence.

It also shows where much progress remains to be made, as in many parts of the world women are still relegated to second-class citizen status.

See Our Gender Equality & Governance Index

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