Cecelia Lynch

Cecelia Lynch

Cecelia Lynch is Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Irvine. She works at the intersection of international relations, law and organization, ethics and religion, and humanitarianism, and has also written and taught on critical interpretivism and constructivism.

She recently published Wrestling with God: Ethical Precarity in Christianity and International Relations (Cambridge 2020), and she is currently drafting a book on Islamic, Christian and interfaith religious ethics in different sites in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the US.  She co-edits the blog, “Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa,” found at www.cihablog.com, with colleagues in Ghana, South Africa, Senegal, and Kenya. The CIHA Blog brings critical and religious perspectives into humanitarian debates regarding Africa.

She is the author or co-author of three other books and the co-editor of two additional books, in addition to many articles and book chapters. She has received several book prizes (for both Wrestling with God and Beyond Appeasement), the J. Ann Tickner Award of the International Studies Association, scholarship and mentoring awards, and fellowships from the Fulbright Foundation (Finland), Social Science Research Council, MacArthur Foundation, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Henry Luce Foundation.

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