Anders Wijkman is an opinionmaker and author. He is Honorary President of the Club of Rome and Chair of the Governing Board of Climate-KIC – the largest public-private partnership on innovation for low-carbon solutions in the EU. He is a member of the International Resource Panel. During 2015-2016 he chaired the Swedish Cross-party Committee on Environmental Objectives, responsible for developing Sweden´s long-term strategy on Climate Change.
Anders has served as a Member of the European Parliament, as Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Policy Director of UNDP, as Secretary General of the Swedish Red Cross, as Secretary General of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and as Director General of SAREC (the Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries).
Anders is a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences as well as the Swedish Royal Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, the World Future Council and the World Academy of Arts and Science. Anders is honorary doctor at Linköping University (2011).
In 1985 Anders published a land-mark report with Lloyd Timberlake “Natural disasters – acts of God or acts of Man” (Earthscan). In 2012, Anders launched “Bankrupting Nature” – with co-author Professor Johan Rockström (Routledge).
In 2015, Anders published the report, “The social benefits of moving towards a Circular Economy”, on the request of the Club of Rome. In 2018, Anders launched “Come On!” with co-author Ernst von Weizsäcker (Springer). In 2020, Anders launched “For a Finer Future” with co-authors Hunter Lovins, Stewart Wallis and John Fullerton.