Thidar Pyone is a trilingual public health physician with nearly two decades of experience in global public health and humanitarian settings, particularly in designing, planning, implementing and evaluating public health policies and programmes. This includes long-term assignments at field and country offices in Southeast and South Asia, distance support from headquarters positions and short-term technical assistance to countries in Asia and Africa.
She has worked for a government public health agency (Public Health England), academic institution (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK), non-governmental organisations (Terre des hommes Foundation, Aide Medicale Internationale) and the United Nations (World Health Organization, United Nations University). She is a medical doctor by background (MBBS) with a double master of public health from the University of Sheffield, UK and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She got her PhD in health systems from the University of Liverpool, UK, and her PhD research assessed health system governance, using institutional analysis theory from new institutional economics.